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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Dyno-mite Blocks!

So, I saw some cute blocks someone painted on Pinterest and decided to make some for my soon coming grandbaby.  His nursery theme is going to be dinosaurs, so I am throwing my daughter a baby shower with the dino theme and thought these would not only be cute in the baby's room, but also as a centerpiece on one of the tables at the shower...

First I had a friend cut out some wood blocks for each letter in his name... Helix.  The blocks I had cut were an inch and a half thick and five inches wide.  The height I decided based on each letter.  The tall ones I did 8 inches, the short ones, five, and the "I" I had cut 6 inches.  Then I spray painted them with white primer.



You have to wait in between coats, and it took several to cover.  I let them sit overnight.  I then painted each block a different color, which took two coats. 
I painted the sides and back brown.  Then came back and outlined the front color in a thin stripe of brown and painted the letters on the colored side.  The paint was shiny, so when I painted the brown on top of the colors it was a little streaky.  I came back and used a foam paint brush and this covered well.
Once the letters dried, I added dinosaurs, a tree limb, and grass to the blocks.  You can use any theme you want!  This is what I ended up with:
I am happy with the way they turned out, I realize now, that it might have been easier and quicker and probably neater if I had decopaged letters and dinos on, or if you have a circuit, that would work great too.

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