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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bad Mommy

Apparently I was a bad mommy today. I was sitting in the recliner when Allie comes up. So, I reached down and grabbed her up into my lap for some cuddling. She promptly, turns to look at me and says "You have ruined my plan." She's two, what two year old has a plan and knows when it is ruined? Anywho, I ask what plan. She says "My plan to go in the playroom." Haha. What am I going to do? Did I mention she was two? The other day she asked me if she was "allowed to say damn it?" Well, no! That is potty mouth, and you don't say potty mouth! So she says "potty mouth, potty mouth, potty mouth." Boy, am I gonna be in trouble when she gets bigger.

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